Simple ways to nurture your mind, body & energy

mindfulness self-care

Here are some simple and effective ways to nurture your mind, body and spirit. Self-care is essential and here are some practical ways to nurture and nourish yourself. 

1) Just Breathe. Yes Breathwork is one of the best ways to nurture your mind and body. Get into the habit of introducing breathwork into your daily routine. Just 10 minutes a day of deep breathing can really benefit your overall well-being. I personally use the Gaia app. to help with my personal practice, however there are a lot of other apps such as Headspace or Calm app to guide your through your own practice. 

2) Meditation is food for the mind. Have you got a regular meditation practice? If not, I invite you to start your own practice. Combine it with your breathwork practice to really nourish your mind and body and reduce stress and anxiety. Meditation is a way of calming the mind, don't worry if you cannot silence your thoughts, try to become the observer of your mind rather than a participant. The above apps are also amazing for meditation and have a lot of options to choose from. 

3) Maximise your senses and introduce essential oils and aromatherapy into your well-being. You can use essential oils in diffusers and oil burners or you can also use room sprays and energise your environment.  

3) Add a morning green smoothie and/or green powder to your routine and start your day with nourishing yourself from the inside out. I have a green smoothie every morning and I have found this to be such a nourishing way to start the day, it also helps to keep me grounded and centred in the mornings as it is part of my morning ritual.  

4) Hydrate - Water, water, water. It is so important to drink enough water, it is really important for your mind, body and spirit. If you struggle to drink 8 glasses a day try adding fruit to your water, add water to your morning smoothie (this is one of my personal tricks!), or drink herbal tea. All great ways to get water into your body.  Special Tip - If you are wanting to also boost your brain power - add some rosemary sprigs to your water (Rosemary is great for boosting concentration and focus).    

5) Look after your physical body, I recently started dry brushing my body and if you haven't tried it, now is a great time to start! Dry brushing uses a wide brush to brush away all the dead skin on your body and it also enhances circulation and makes your body feel super smooth! It is amazingly invigorating on your body and a great way to brush away those negative vibes and nourish your skin. 

Everyday is a new beginning, so each day do something to nurture your mind, body and spirit. Your mind, body and energy will thank you.  


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