Guide to starting a meditation practice

meditation mindfulness
When I tell people that I am a yoga and meditation teacher, the most common questions I get asked are ‘how do I start meditating?' or 'someone told me I should start meditating but I don't know where to begin?' 
Well the good news is that anyone can meditate and I have put this blog together to give you some beginners tips on how to set up your own meditation practice. 
Meditation quiets the mind or actively rests your mind. For many, meditation can seem really difficult, we live in a face paced and energetic world where we need to be ‘on’ all the time. I often find myself telling people that it is ok to take a break, it is ok to put yourself first and you will be much more productive once you give yourself some mental space. In a fast paced world, it is important to take time to slow down, rest your mind and increase your awareness. I have put together some practical ways to help you start meditating, these are simple techniques for beginners or anyone wanting to explore different ways of meditation. 
1. Meditation works best with a regular practice (yes it is called meditation practice because it takes practice), so look at your own lifestyle and schedule and see when is the best time for you to spend 10-20 minutes meditating a day. Morning, lunchtime, evening - decide on a time that suits you. And, if you think you don't have time keep in mind that sometimes you speed up by firstly slowing down. Meditation is an investment in your overall health and well-being. 
2. Create a space to meditate if you are at home, it can be the couch, bed, floor - whatever suits you. Just ensure that you are able to sit still in the space for the duration of your meditation. 
3. To get you started with a meditation practice you can sit or lie down quietly and focus on your breathing, you can listen to music or sounds, you can gaze at the flame of a candle or you can listen to a guided meditation (available from meditation apps, YouTube etc). I have put a link at the end to my YouTube channel which has a lot of meditation and breathing practices for you to try. 
4. Be patient with yourself, I hear a lot of people say, I tried meditating and I couldn't clear my mind. While some people can clear their mind, just being able to sit and be an observer of your mind means that you are creating awareness and you will still get the benefits of resting your mind. Keep up a regular practice and you will be able to see your progress and the impact that it has on your mental and emotional health. 
A few other ways to meditate include - Yoga Nidra, breath awareness or attend a yoga or meditation class. If you want more direct support many teachers also offer private yoga or meditation classes if you want to get your own teacher.      
Remember that meditation is a personal experience and many people find it difficult as there their minds are very active and alert. I have found that meditation is a process and you do get better at it over time. Even if you just sit down, close your eyes and observe your thoughts you are making huge headway. Don't get frustrated with yourself just try it for 10 minutes to begin with and you can progress in your own time and in your own style. 
"One conscious breath in and out is meditation" Eckhart Tolle
Check out my YoutTube Channel for practices to get you started. 

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